Friday, September 28, 2007

Takei THAT!

George Takei (aka Sulu from Star Trek) came out as gay in 2005, but he unofficially came out - to me anyway - when I saw The Search for Spock (1984). I had been wondering even during the series, but in this movie there is one shot where he swishes across the screen so gaily, while throwing a cape over his shoulders, that all doubt was obliterated from my mind. Since 2005 he has been active fighting for gay causes (as well as appearing in Heroes) and I wanted to share an already somewhat older but very funny clip of him. When NBA sportsman Tim Hardaway made a homophobic comment, Takei responded hilariously and fittingly. Since arguments don't have an impact, maybe sly humour can help homophobes realise how irrational they are. Or maybe not.

1 comment:

Nathan Fry said...

Holy shit! George Takei is brilliant.